Source code for linode.linode_client

from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import logging
from datetime import datetime

import pkg_resources
import requests
from linode.errors import ApiError, UnexpectedResponseError
from linode.objects import *
from linode.objects.filtering import Filter

from .common import load_and_validate_keys
from .paginated_list import PaginatedList

package_version = pkg_resources.require("linode-api")[0].version

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Group:
    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client

[docs]class LinodeGroup(Group): """ Encapsulates Linode-related methods of the :any:`LinodeClient`. This should not be instantiated on its own, but should instead be used through an instance of :any:`LinodeClient`:: client = LinodeClient(token) linodes = client.linode.get_instances() # use the LinodeGroup This group contains all features beneath the `/linode` group in the API v4. """
[docs] def get_types(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of Linode types. These may be used to create or resize Linodes, or simply referenced on their own. Types can be filtered to return specific types, for example:: standard_types = client.linode.get_types(Type.class == "standard") :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to the query. :returns: A list of types that match the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of Type """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Type, *filters)
[docs] def get_instances(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of Linodes on your account. You may filter this query to return only Linodes that match specific criteria:: prod_linodes = client.linode.get_instances( == "prod") :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. :returns: A list of Linodes that matched the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of Linode """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Linode, *filters)
[docs] def get_stackscripts(self, *filters, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of :any:`StackScripts<StackScript>`, both public and private. You may filter this query to return only :any:`StackScripts<StackScript>` that match certain criteria. You may also request only your own private :any:`StackScripts<StackScript>`:: my_stackscripts = client.linode.get_stackscripts(mine_only=True) :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. :param mine_only: If True, returns only private StackScripts :type mine_only: bool :returns: A list of StackScripts matching the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of StackScript """ # python2 can't handle *args and a single keyword argument, so this is a workaround if 'mine_only' in kwargs: if kwargs['mine_only']: new_filter = Filter({"mine":True}) if filters: filters = [ f for f in filters ] filters[0] = filters[0] & new_filter else: filters = [new_filter] del kwargs['mine_only'] if kwargs: raise TypeError("get_stackscripts() got unexpected keyword argument '{}'".format(kwargs.popitem()[0])) return self.client._get_and_filter(StackScript, *filters)
[docs] def get_kernels(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of available :any:`Kernels<Kernel>`. Kernels are used when creating or updating :any:`LinodeConfigs,LinodeConfig>`. :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. :returns: A list of available kernels that match the query. :rtype: PaginatedList of Kernel """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Kernel, *filters)
# create things
[docs] def create_instance(self, ltype, region, image=None, authorized_keys=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a new Linode. This function has several modes of operation: **Create a Linode from an Image** To create a Linode from an :any:`Image`, call `create_instance` with a :any:`Type`, a :any:`Region`, and an :any:`Image`. All three of these fields may be provided as either the ID or the appropriate object. In this mode, a root password will be generated and returned with the new Linode object. For example:: new_linode, password = client.linode.create_instance( "g5-standard-1", "us-east", image="linode/debian9") ltype = client.linode.get_types().first() region = client.get_regions().first() image = client.get_images().first() another_linode, password = client.linode.create_instance( ltype, region, image=image) **Create a Linode from StackScript** When creating a Linode from a :any:`StackScript`, an :any:`Image` that the StackScript support must be provided.. You must also provide any required StackScript data for the script's User Defined Fields.. For example, if deploying `StackScript 10079`_ (which deploys a new Linode with a user created from keys on `github`_:: stackscript = StackScript(client, 10079) new_linode, password = client.linode.create_instance( "g5-standard-2", "us-east", image="linode/debian9", stackscript=stackscript, stackscript_data={"gh_username": "example"}) In the above example, "gh_username" is the name of a User Defined Field in the chosen StackScript. For more information on StackScripts, see the `StackScript guide`_. .. _`StackScript 10079`: .. _`github`: .. _`StackScript guide`: **Create a Linode from a Backup** To create a new Linode by restoring a :any:`Backup` to it, provide a :any:`Type`, a :any:`Region`, and the :any:`Backup` to restore. You may provide either IDs or objects for all of these fields:: existing_linode = Linode(client, 123) snapshot = existing_linode.available_backups.snapshot.current new_linode = client.linode.create_instance( "g5-standard-1", "us-east", backup=snapshot) **Create an empty Linode** If you want to create an empty Linode that you will configure manually, simply call `create_instance` with a :any:`Type` and a :any:`Region`:: empty_linode = client.linode.create_instance("g5-standard-2", "us-east") When created this way, the Linode will not be booted and cannot boot successfully until disks and configs are created, or it is otherwise configured. :param ltype: The Linode Type we are creating :type ltype: str or LinodeType :param region: The Region in which we are creating the Linode :type region: str or Region :param image: The Image to deploy to this Linode. If this is provided and no root_pass is given, a password will be generated and returned along with the new Linode. :type image: str or Image :param stackscript: The StackScript to deploy to the new Linode. If provided, "image" is required and must be compatible with the chosen StackScript. :type stackscript: int or StackScript :param stackscript_data: Values for the User Defined Fields defined in the chosen StackScript. Does nothing if StackScript is not provided. :type stackscript_data: dict :param backup: The Backup to restore to the new Linode. May not be provided if "image" is given. :type backup: int of Backup :param authorized_keys: The ssh public keys to install in the linode's /root/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Each entry may be a single key, or a path to a file containing the key. :type authorized_keys: list or str :param label: The display label for the new Linode :type label: str :param group: The display group for the new Linode :type group: str :param booted: Whether the new Linode should be booted. This will default to True if the Linode is deployed from an Image or Backup. :type booted: bool :returns: A new Linode object, or a tuple containing the new Linode and the generated password. :rtype: Linode or tuple(Linode, str) :raises ApiError: If contacting the API fails :raises UnexpectedResponseError: If the API resposne is somehow malformed. This usually indicates that you are using an outdated library. """ ret_pass = None if image and not 'root_pass' in kwargs: ret_pass = Linode.generate_root_password() kwargs['root_pass'] = ret_pass authorized_keys = load_and_validate_keys(authorized_keys) if "stackscript" in kwargs: # translate stackscripts kwargs["stackscript_id"] = (kwargs["stackscript"].id if issubclass(kwargs["stackscript"]) else kwargs["stackscript"]) del kwargs["stackscript"] if "backup" in kwargs: # translate backups kwargs["backup_id"] = (kwargs["backup"].id if issubclass(kwargs["backup"]) else kwargs["backup"]) del kwargs["backup"] params = { 'type': if issubclass(type(ltype), Base) else ltype, 'region': if issubclass(type(region), Base) else region, 'image': ( if issubclass(type(image), Base) else image) if image else None, 'authorized_keys': authorized_keys, } params.update(kwargs) result ='/linode/instances', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating linode!', json=result) l = Linode(self.client, result['id'], result) if not ret_pass: return l return l, ret_pass
[docs] def create_stackscript(self, label, script, images, desc=None, public=False, **kwargs): """ Creates a new :any:`StackScript` on your account. :param label: The label for this StackScript. :type label: str :param script: The script to run when a :any:`Linode` is deployed with this StackScript. Must begin with a shebang (#!). :type script: str :param images: A list of :any:`Images<Image>` that this StackScript supports. Linodes will not be deployed from this StackScript unless deployed from one of these Images. :type images: list of Image :param desc: A description for this StackScript. :type desc: str :param public: Whether this StackScript is public. Defaults to False. Once a StackScript is made public, it may not be set back to private. :type public: bool :returns: The new StackScript :rtype: StackScript """ image_list = None if type(images) is list or type(images) is PaginatedList: image_list = [ if issubclass(type(d), Base) else d for d in images ] elif type(images) is Image: image_list = [] elif type(images) is str: image_list = [images] else: raise ValueError('images must be a list of Images or a single Image') script_body = script if not script.startswith("#!"): # it doesn't look like a stackscript body, let's see if it's a file import os if os.path.isfile(script): with open(script) as f: script_body = else: raise ValueError("script must be the script text or a path to a file") params = { "label": label, "image": image_list, "is_public": public, "script": script_body, "description": desc if desc else '', } params.update(kwargs) result ='/linode/stackscripts', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating StackScript!', json=result) s = StackScript(self.client, result['id'], result) return s
[docs]class ProfileGroup(Group): """ Collections related to your user. """
[docs] def get_tokens(self, *filters): """ Returns the Person Access Tokens active for this user """ return self.client._get_and_filter(PersonalAccessToken, *filters)
[docs] def create_personal_access_token(self, label=None, expiry=None, scopes=None, **kwargs): """ Creates and returns a new Personal Access Token """ if label: kwargs['label'] = label if expiry: if isinstance(expiry, datetime): expiry = datetime.strftime(expiry, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") kwargs['expiry'] = expiry if scopes: kwargs['scopes'] = scopes result ='/account/tokens', data=kwargs) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating Personal Access ' 'Token!', json=result) token = PersonalAccessToken(self.client, result['id'], result) return token
[docs] def get_apps(self, *filters): """ Returns the Authorized Applications for this user """ return self.client._get_and_filter(AuthorizedApp, *filters)
[docs]class LongviewGroup(Group):
[docs] def get_clients(self, *filters): """ Requests and returns a paginated list of LongviewClients on your account. """ return self.client._get_and_filter(LongviewClient, *filters)
[docs] def create_client(self, label=None): """ Creates a new LongviewClient, optionally with a given label. :param label: The label for the new client. If None, a default label based on the new client's ID will be used. :returns: A new LongviewClient :raises ApiError: If a non-200 status code is returned :raises UnexpectedResponseError: If the returned data from the api does not look as expected. """ result ='/longview/clients', data={ "label": label }) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating Longivew ' 'Client!', json=result) c = LongviewClient(self.client, result['id'], result) return c
[docs] def get_subscriptions(self, *filters): """ Requests and returns a paginated list of LongviewSubscriptions available """ return self.client._get_and_filter(LongviewSubscription, *filters)
[docs]class AccountGroup(Group): def get_events(self, *filters): return self.client._get_and_filter(Event, *filters)
[docs] def mark_last_seen_event(self, event): """ Marks event as the last event we have seen. If event is an int, it is treated as an event_id, otherwise it should be an event object whose id will be used. """ last_seen = event if isinstance(event, int) else'{}/seen'.format(Event.api_endpoint), model=Event(self.client, last_seen))
[docs] def get_settings(self): """ Resturns the account settings data for this acocunt. This is not a listing endpoint. """ result = self.client.get('/account/settings') if not 'managed' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when getting account settings!', json=result) s = AccountSettings(self.client, result['managed'], result) return s
[docs] def get_invoices(self): """ Returns Invoices issued to this account """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Invoice)
[docs] def get_payments(self): """ Returns a list of Payments made to this account """ return self.client._get_and_filter(Payment)
[docs] def get_oauth_clients(self, *filters): """ Returns the OAuth Clients associated to this account """ return self.client._get_and_filter(OAuthClient, *filters)
[docs] def create_oauth_client(self, name, redirect_uri, **kwargs): """ Make a new OAuth Client and return it """ params = { "label": name, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, } params.update(kwargs) result ='/account/oauth-clients', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating OAuth Client!', json=result) c = OAuthClient(self.client, result['id'], result) return c
[docs] def get_users(self, *filters): """ Returns a list of users on this account """ return self.client._get_and_filter(User, *filters)
[docs] def get_transfer(self): """ Returns a MappedObject containing the account's transfer pool data """ result = self.client.get('/account/transfer') if not 'used' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when getting Transfer Pool!') return MappedObject(**result)
def create_user(self, email, username, password, restricted=True): """ Creates a user """ params = { "email": email, "username": username, "password": password, "restricted": restricted } result ='/account/users', data=params) if not 'email' and 'restricted' and 'username' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating user!', json=result) u = User(self.client, result['username'], result) return u
[docs]class NetworkingGroup(Group): def get_ips(self, *filters): return self.client._get_and_filter(IPAddress, *filters) def get_ipv6_ranges(self, *filters): return self.client._get_and_filter(IPv6Range, *filters) def get_ipv6_pools(self, *filters): return self.client._get_and_filter(IPv6Pool, *filters)
[docs] def assign_ips(self, region, *assignments): """ Redistributes :any:`IP Addressees<IPAddress>` within a single region. This function takes a :any:`Region` and a list of assignments to make, then requests that the assignments take place. If any :any:`Linode` ends up without a public IP, or with more than one private IP, all of the assignments will fail. Example usage:: linode1 = Linode(client, 123) linode2 = Linode(client, 456) # swap IPs between linodes 1 and 2 client.networking.assign_ips(linode1.region, linode1.ips.ipv4.public[0].to(linode2), linode2.ips.ipv4.public[0].to(linode1)) :param region: The Region in which the assignments should take place. All Linodes and IPAddresses involved in the assignment must be within this region. :type region: str or Region :param assignments: Any number of assignments to make. See :any:`` for details on how to construct assignments. :type assignments: dct """ for a in assignments: if not 'address' in a or not 'linode_id' in a: raise ValueError("Invalid assignment: {}".format(a)) if isinstance(region, Region): region ='/networking/ip-assign', data={ "region": region, "assignments": [ a for a in assignments ], })
[docs] def allocate_ip(self, linode): """ Allocates an IP to a Linode you own. Additional IPs must be requested by opening a support ticket first. :param linode: The Linode to allocate the new IP for. :type linode: Linode or int :returns: The new IPAddress :rtype: IPAddress """ result ='/networking/ipv4/', data={ "linode_id": if isinstance(linode, Base) else linode, }) if not 'address' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when adding IPv4 address!', json=result) ip = IPAddress(self.client, result['address'], result) return ip
[docs]class SupportGroup(Group): def get_tickets(self, *filters): return self.client._get_and_filter(SupportTicket, *filters)
[docs] def open_ticket(self, summary, description, regarding=None): """ """ params = { "summary": summary, "description": description, } if regarding: if isinstance(regarding, Linode): params['linode_id'] = elif isinstance(regarding, Domain): params['domain_id'] = elif isinstance(regarding, NodeBalancer): params['nodebalancer_id'] = elif isinstance(regarding, Volume): params['volume_id'] = else: raise ValueError('Cannot open ticket regarding type {}!'.format(type(regarding))) result ='/support/tickets', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating ticket!', json=result) t = SupportTicket(self.client, result['id'], result) return t
[docs]class LinodeClient:
[docs] def __init__(self, token, base_url="", user_agent=None): """ The main interface to the Linode API. :param token: The authentication token to use for communication with the API. Can be either a Personal Access Token or an OAuth Token. :type token: str :param base_url: The base URL for API requests. Generally, you shouldn't change this. :type base_url: str :param user_agent: What to append to the User Agent of all requests made by this client. Setting this allows Linode's internal monitoring applications to track the usage of your application. Setting this is not necessary, but some applications may desire this behavior. :type user_agent: str """ self.base_url = base_url self._add_user_agent = user_agent self.token = token #: Access methods related to Linodes - see :any:`LinodeGroup` for #: more information self.linode = LinodeGroup(self) #: Access methods related to your user - see :any:`ProfileGroup` for #: more information self.profile = ProfileGroup(self) #: Access methods related to your account - see :any:`AccountGroup` for #: more information self.account = AccountGroup(self) #: Access methods related to networking on your account - see #: :any:`NetworkingGroup` for more information self.networking = NetworkingGroup(self) #: Access methods related to support - see :any:`SupportGroup` for more #: information = SupportGroup(self) #: Access information related to the Longview service - see #: :any:`LongviewGroup` for more inforamtion self.longview = LongviewGroup(self)
@property def _user_agent(self): return '{}python-linode-api/{} {}'.format( '{} '.format(self._add_user_agent) if self._add_user_agent else '', package_version, requests.utils.default_user_agent() )
[docs] def load(self, target_type, target_id, target_parent_id=None): """ Constructs and immediately loads the object, circumventing the lazy-loading scheme by immediately making an API request. Does not load related objects. For example, if you wanted to load a :any:`Linode` object with ID 123, you could do this:: loaded_linode = client.load(Linode, 123) Similarly, if you instead wanted to load a :any:`NodeBalancerConfig`, you could do so like this:: loaded_nodebalancer_config = client.load(NodeBalancerConfig, 456, 432) :param target_type: The type of object to create. :type target_type: type :param target_id: The ID of the object to create. :type target_id: int or str :param target_parent_id: The parent ID of the object to create, if applicable. :type target_parent_id: int, str, or None :returns: The resulting object, fully loaded. :rtype: target_type :raise ApiError: if the requested object could not be loaded. """ result = target_type.make_instance(target_id, self, parent_id=target_parent_id) result._api_get() return result
def _api_call(self, endpoint, model=None, method=None, data=None, filters=None): """ Makes a call to the linode api. Data should only be given if the method is POST or PUT, and should be a dictionary """ if not self.token: raise RuntimeError("You do not have an API token!") if not method: raise ValueError("Method is required for API calls!") if model: endpoint = endpoint.format(**vars(model)) url = '{}{}'.format(self.base_url, endpoint) headers = { 'Authorization': "Bearer {}".format(self.token), 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': self._user_agent, } if filters: headers['X-Filter'] = json.dumps(filters) body = None if data is not None: body = json.dumps(data) response = method(url, headers=headers, data=body) warning = response.headers.get('Warning', None) if warning: logger.warning('Received warning from server: {}'.format(warning)) if 399 < response.status_code < 600: j = None error_msg = '{}: '.format(response.status_code) try: j = response.json() if 'errors' in j.keys(): for e in j['errors']: error_msg += '{}; '.format(e['reason']) \ if 'reason' in e.keys() else '' except: pass raise ApiError(error_msg, status=response.status_code, json=j) if response.status_code != 204: j = response.json() else: j = None # handle no response body return j def _get_objects(self, endpoint, cls, model=None, parent_id=None, filters=None): response_json = self.get(endpoint, model=model, filters=filters) if not "data" in response_json: raise UnexpectedResponseError("Problem with response!", json=response_json) if 'pages' in response_json: formatted_endpoint = endpoint if model: formatted_endpoint = formatted_endpoint.format(**vars(model)) return PaginatedList.make_paginated_list(response_json, self, cls, parent_id=parent_id, page_url=formatted_endpoint[1:], filters=filters) return PaginatedList.make_list(response_json["data"], self, cls, parent_id=parent_id) def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api_call(*args, method=requests.get, **kwargs) def post(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api_call(*args,, **kwargs) def put(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api_call(*args, method=requests.put, **kwargs) def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._api_call(*args, method=requests.delete, **kwargs) # ungrouped list functions
[docs] def get_regions(self, *filters): """ Returns the available Regions for Linode products. :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to the query. :returns: A list of available Regions. :rtype: PaginatedList of Region """ return self._get_and_filter(Region, *filters)
[docs] def get_profile(self): """ Retrieve the acting user's Profile, containing information about the current user such as their email address, username, and uid. :returns: The acting user's profile. :rtype: Profile """ result = self.get('/profile') if not 'username' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when getting profile!', json=result) p = Profile(self, result['username'], result) return p
[docs] def get_account(self): """ Retrieves information about the acting user's account, such as billing information. :returns: Returns the acting user's account information. :rtype: Account """ result = self.get('/account') if not 'email' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when getting account!', json=result) return Account(self, result['email'], result)
[docs] def get_images(self, *filters): """ Retrieves a list of available Images, including public and private Images available to the acting user. You can filter this query to retrieve only Images relevant to a specific query, for example:: debian_images = client.get_images( Image.vendor == "debain") :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to the query. :returns: A list of available Images. :rtype: PaginatedList of Image """ return self._get_and_filter(Image, *filters)
[docs] def create_image(self, disk, label=None, description=None): """ Creates a new Image from a disk you own. :param disk: The Disk to imagize. :type disk: Disk or int :param label: The label for the resulting Image (defaults to the disk's label. :type label: str :param description: The description for the new Image. :type description: str :returns: The new Image. :rtype: Image """ params = { "disk_id": if issubclass(type(disk), Base) else disk, } if label is not None: params["label"] = label if description is not None: params["description"] = description result ='/images', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating an ' 'Image from disk {}'.format(disk)) return Image(self, result['id'], result)
[docs] def get_domains(self, *filters): """ Retrieves all of the Domains the acting user has access to. :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. :returns: A list of Domains the acting user can access. :rtype: PaginatedList of Domain """ return self._get_and_filter(Domain, *filters)
[docs] def get_nodebalancers(self, *filters): """ Retrieves all of the NodeBalancers the acting user has access to. :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. :returns: A list of NodeBalancers the acting user can access. :rtype: PaginatedList of NodeBalancers """ return self._get_and_filter(NodeBalancer, *filters)
[docs] def create_nodebalancer(self, region, **kwargs): """ Creates a new NodeBalancer in the given Region. :param region: The Region in which to create the NodeBalancer. :type region: Region or str :returns: The new NodeBalancer :rtype: NodeBalancer """ params = { "region": if isinstance(region, Base) else region, } params.update(kwargs) result ='/nodebalancers', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating Nodebalaner!', json=result) n = NodeBalancer(self, result['id'], result) return n
[docs] def create_domain(self, domain, master=True, **kwargs): """ Registers a new Domain on the acting user's account. Make sure to point your registrar to Linode's nameservers so that Linode's DNS manager will correctly serve your domain. :param domain: The domain to register to Linode's DNS manager. :type domain: str :param master: Whether this is a master (defaults to true) :type master: bool :returns: The new Domain object. :rtype: Domain """ params = { 'domain': domain, 'type': 'master' if master else 'slave', } params.update(kwargs) result ='/domains', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating Domain!', json=result) d = Domain(self, result['id'], result) return d
[docs] def get_volumes(self, *filters): """ Retrieves the Block Storage Volumes your user has access to. :param filters: Any number of filters to apply to this query. :returns: A list of Volumes the acting user can access. :rtype: PaginatedList of Volume """ return self._get_and_filter(Volume, *filters)
[docs] def create_volume(self, label, region=None, linode=None, size=20, **kwargs): """ Creates a new Block Storage Volume, either in the given Region or attached to the given Linode. :param label: The label for the new Volume. :type label: str :param region: The Region to create this Volume in. Not required if `linode` is provided. :type region: Region or str :param linode: The Linode to attach this Volume to. If not given, the new Volume will not be attached to anything. :type linode: Linode or int :param size: The size, in GB, of the new Volume. Defaults to 20. :type size: int :returns: The new Volume. :rtype: Volume """ if not (region or linode): raise ValueError('region or linode required!') params = { "label": label, "size": size, "region": if issubclass(type(region), Base) else region, "linode_id": if issubclass(type(linode), Base) else linode, } params.update(kwargs) result ='/volumes', data=params) if not 'id' in result: raise UnexpectedResponseError('Unexpected response when creating volume!', json=result) v = Volume(self, result['id'], result) return v
# helper functions def _filter_list(self, results, **filter_by): if not results or not len(results): return results if not filter_by or not len(filter_by): return results for key in filter_by.keys(): if not key in vars(results[0]): raise ValueError("Cannot filter {} by {}".format(type(results[0]), key)) if isinstance(vars(results[0])[key], Base) and isinstance(filter_by[key], Base): results = [ r for r in results if vars(r)[key].id == filter_by[key].id ] elif isinstance(vars(results[0])[key], str) and isinstance(filter_by[key], str): results = [ r for r in results if filter_by[key].lower() in vars(r)[key].lower() ] else: results = [ r for r in results if vars(r)[key] == filter_by[key] ] return results def _get_and_filter(self, obj_type, *filters): parsed_filters = None if filters: if(len(filters) > 1): parsed_filters = and_(*filters).dct # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter else: parsed_filters = filters[0].dct return self._get_objects(obj_type.api_list(), obj_type, filters=parsed_filters)